Educational Science

PhD Project on the impact of MOOCs

by_Gerd Thanks to Twitter (@markusmind) I found the Weblog All MOOCs, All The Time sharing excerpts from a running dissertation about “The Evolution & Impact of the Massive Open Online Course“.


Maybe this can help me to keep “the other end” in mind, as my M.A. Thesis (and after it my Dissertation) will focus on the side of the learners and the process of learning. Doing so needs of course to set this in relationsship to the process of teaching, the role of teachers and the tools and plattforms used for teaching (to remind: I will focus on “academic learning”, nevertheless conclusions and findings concerning the process of learning are transferable to all other contexts of learning and have to include knowledge about the stages of [cognitive] learningprocesses).

I like the idea of tracing roots back to history of distance education as I value the work of Otto Peters (who is quoted and whom I know from Distance University in Hagen, where I had the possibility to interview him in the context of a homework) very much.

So I look forward to follow above blog.
